It's time to have freedom from glasses and contact lenses during the day
What is Ortho-K?
Ortho-k, or orthokeratology, is a non-surgical procedure that uses specially designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea and improve vision. It is often used as an alternative to glasses, daytime contact lenses and laser eye surgery. Ortho-k lenses are worn overnight and removed in the morning, providing clear vision throughout the day.
Who is suitable?
Orthokeratology is effective on near sighted (myopic), and astigmatic patients, who may be interested in LASIK eye surgery but are not quite ready, or are too young. It is also suitable for those unable to wear daytime contact lenses due to allergies or dry eyes and active people who do not want the inconvenience of glasses or contact lenses when participating in sports. Ortho-K can also be used to help slow the progression of myopia.
What is the process to get started?
An initial 40 minute consultation is required to determine if you are suitable for the Ortho-K program. Expectations, consultation schedule and outcomes will be discussed at this time and then a treatment plan can be formed. A specialist scan called Topography will be completed as well as other intricate measurements which are combined to order in a custom made lens for a fitting appointment. After a successful fit and tuition, you will be able to leave with the lenses for your first night of wear.
How often are checkups required?
The Ortho-K program has a strict schedule of appointments, that both the patient and optometrist will agree to. Several follow ups are required within the first few weeks of wear, to ensure comfort of the lens and that the treatment plan is working.